In this section you will find the details of each response to requests made to get payment information.
Successful response
"id": 10267812,
"wallet_payment": {
"transaction_amount": 125.98,
"description": "Payment for the purchase of furniture",
"external_reference": "Payment_seller_123"
"payments": [
"id": 3870106238,
"status_detail": "approved_id",
"payment_method_id": "credit_card_id",
"transaction_amount": 700.5,
"installments": 1,
"description": "Payment for the purchase of furniture",
"capture": true,
"external_reference": "payment_123"
"disbursements": {
"collector_id": "collectorId"
"payer": {
"id": 8879
"site_id": "MLB",
"date_created": "2018-10-20T09:34:20.518-04:00",
"date_last_updated": "2018-10-20T09:34:20.518-04:00"
Failed due to payment not found
This is a failure that occurs when no payment created with the ID provided in the request parameters is found.
Status code: 404
"status": "404",
"error": "Not found",
"message": "Payment not found."
Failure due to Client ID not found in whitelist
This response returns when the Client ID
is not whitelisted, therefore not enabled for processing.
Status code: 404
"status": "404",
"error": "Not found",
"message": "Client ID not found in whitelist."
Failure due to collector_id not found in merchant list
This response returns when the collector is not on the merchant list.
Status code: 404
"status": "404",
"error": "Not found",
"message": "collector_id not found in the merchant list."
Status code: 200