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May of 2023

  • Node JS 1.5.16: Decrease of package size
  • The package size of SDK Node JS 1.5.16 have been decreased from 754kB to 97.2kB when downloaded from NPM.


    Checkout API

    March of 2023

  • API Reference: new error response in the Create Payments API
  • The error "2077--Deferred capture not supported" was added to the list of error responses that the Create Payments API can return.


    API Reference

  • Checkout API: minor changes in the Payment Management documentation
  • The documentation Reserve Values was updated to include more information about the types of responses that can be received when making a values reservation.


    Checkout API

    February of 2023

  • Node JS 1.5.15: Updated dependencies
  • The JSON5 and minimatch dependencies of SDK Node JS 1.5.15 have been updated to protect against ReDoS and Prototype Pollution vulnerabilities.

